Once upon a time in a shallow lake lived three fishes who were friends. One was foresighted, the second had a great presence of mind and the third was idle. One day some fishermen began to drain the waters of that lake. The foresighted fish said the level of the water was decreasing in the lake and they need to shift their abode to some other location. The fish with the presence of mind said it would act when the time was right and the idle one said it would not take such hasty decisions. Hearing the reply from the two fishes, the one that had much foresight reached another deep lake safely. After the water was drained out, the fishermen caught the fishes with a net. The two fishes were caught in it. Among them, the one with the presence of mind started biting the net. When the fishermen dropped the net to a deep lake for washing the fishes, the one with the presence of mind left the net and escaped. However, the one which was idle could not do anything and eventually died. Hence, for one who has no foresight and presence of mind meets with destruction like the idle fish in this story.
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