There once lived a King named Nala who was the ruler of the Nishadas. He was once walking by a beautiful lake and suddenly stopped at the sight of a swan with golden feathers! He caught the swan and took it to his palace. One day the swan saw Nala weeping and asked him why. Nala told the swan that Narada once told him of a beautiful damsel named Damayanti who was the daughter of King Bheema of Kundapur and he wanted to marry her but did not know how to accomplish this. The swan told him it would help him and flew to Kundapur. As soon as it saw Damayanti, it flew near her and she caught it. It began praising King Nala. She fell in love with Nala and decided to marry him. The swan flew back to Nala's kingdom and informed him that she also wanted to marry him. He was ecstatic and released the swan. Nala was soon invited to Damayanti's svayamvara (where the princess chooses her own husband). She chose Nala as her husband and they lived happily ever after for twelve years. Then, Nala's cousin Pushkara invited him to a game of dice.
PS: This story is to be continued...
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