Sage Kashyapa had many wives. Two of them were Kadru and Vinata. He gave them each a boon. Kadru asked for a thousand snakes, equal in splendour as her sons. Vinata asked for two birds as her sons who had more strength, energy and size than the sons of Kadru. Kashayapa granted them both these boons. After a long time, Kadru gave birth to a thousand eggs and Vinata to two eggs. They were kept separately in warm vessels. After 500 years, the sons of Kadru came out of the eggs. But Vinata's eggs did not produce anything. She broke opened one of the eggs. The child inside the egg cursed her saying as she had prematurely broken the egg being jealous of Kadru, she had to serve Kadru as a slave. The child also said that if she waited patiently for another 500 years, an illustrious son will be born from the other egg and will release her from this slavery. Saying this the child rose to the sky. That child was called Aruna and became the charioteer of the Sun God. At the stipulated time, Garuda was born from the other egg of Vinata. He later became the vehicle of Lord Vishnu.
Nice one... We think sometimes, whether such things really happen & we assume they are just stories. But, I remember to have read in the recent past that a lady from a remote village gave birth to a snake...